Sunday, September 5, 2010

We've Cracked the Relationship Timeline!

Kayla Travis has it down to a science. Did you even know that almost all relationships follow a basic timeline? Seriously, as you're reading this, think of all of the realtionships you've seen and participated in.  You will be amazed. I'm going to do this in increments of weeks, but depending on you personally, or the situation, it can quite easily be converted to days or months.
DAY ONE- The realtionship begins.
WEEK ONE- An extremely awkward period.You're figruing out boundaries and things, and getting used to being in the realtionship in general. However, regardless of how awkward it is, you are enthralled with the new relationship.
WEEKS TWO TO FIVE- This is the 'honeymoon' phase. Your boyfriend/girlfriend is absoltely perfect. You say you'll never want anyone else and usually start claiming you're in love.
WEEKS FIVE-SIX- At this point, you begin to figure out qualities about your significant other that seriously annoy you. However. you still "love" them, so you overlook these flaws.
WEEK SEVEN- These flaws seriously start to grate on your nerves. You may have arguments with your boyfriend/girlfriend and at least consider breaking up with them.
WEEK EIGHT- This is the major turning point of the realtionship. The aforestated flaws generally either trigger the breakup, or far less often, you learn to overlook them or learn to live with them. If your relationship falls into the second category, congratulations! You've offically moved past the Realtionship Timeline and into something that might actually last for a while.
If you think about it, most highschool relationships fit into this timeline and these stages. SO, next time something's going on in your relationship, consider the timeline. Don't be confused, be aware. :D

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