Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Bucket List.

This was written about 2 years ago, so the ones with (X)'s are obviously, the ones I have completed since then. :)Before I die, I want to...

-Love someone unconditionally and have them love me back

-Act in a movie

-Record a cd and have it sell billions of copies

-Look in a mirror and love everything about myself, even my flaws

-Go skydiving

-Take a cross country trip to california and live in my car

-Stand on top of the eiffel tower

(X) Meet ryan ross

(X) Watch the sunrise with someone special

-Walk the entire appalachian trail

-Write a book

-Get organized and stay that way

-Develop my own handwriting and make it pretty

-Learn how to play the drums

(X) Love my friends

(X) Watch a lightning storm and appreciate it's beauty instead of being afraid

-Make an outfit and wear it

-Ride the aerosmith rockin roller coaster 100 times in a row

(X)Write a song that helps someone

-Adopt a little girl

-Let go of my grudges

-Visit egypt

(X) Forgive myself

-Re-enact the romantic scenes of the notebook with someone I love

-Kiss in the rain

-Make someone's day

-Write a song that makes people cry

-Paint a house

-Read the entire Lord Of the Rings Series

(X) Stop being afraid of the dark

-Sleep under the stars

-Jump into a pile of leaves in the fall

-Sew a quilt

(X) Get kissed

-Learn to do a backflip on the trampoline

-Buy a pet snake

-Dye my hair a crazy color

-Climb a really tall tree and just sit there for a while, thinking about life.

-Learn tae-bo

-Listen to nothing but instrumental music for one week

-Love everyone

(X) Think positively

-Fight for something I believe in

-Create a charity for kids with autism

-Read all of shakespeare's plays

-Learn how to do a split

-Paint a picture and hang it on my wall

-Rock someone's world

-Be someone's purpose for living.

-Steal a street sign.

-Spend the night in a cemetery.

-Move on from things that are holding me back

(X)Live in the moment

-Drive to Utah with Elsie and eat at the beehive place.

-Add to this list!

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