Friday, September 10, 2010

Right v. Wrong

Disclaimer: I get fairly philosophical is this one, so if it's not your cup of tea, just skip this one. And do NOT comment on this telling me I'm wrong, becaue that would mean that you're missing the whole point.

Okay, so this is one of my favorite topics. What is right? And what about wrong? You probably have a pretty good idea of your own opinons on this subject. Things you think are correct, good, and true, and things you veiw as incorrect, bad, and wrong. But, truly, where is the dividing ling between what is REALLY right and what is REALLY wrong? As in, the things that are truly in the laws of the universe, right and wrong. The problem with this question is, it varies, depending on the situation and personal beliefs. Let's go with a simple example here. Most people who read this blog would agree that killing someone is wrong. From a Christian perspective, this statement SHOULD hold up. There's even a commandment- "Thou shalt not kill." But, if killing is wrong, are soliders who fight for our country in the same ranks as Ted Bundy? What about people who are attempting to defend themselves from being killed? Why aren't they all locked up in jail? Killing people is wrong, right? And looking at it from an Eastern point of view- in many countries, people believe in the Law of Retaliation- if someone kills one of your family members, you are entitled to kill them. It sounds horrifying to many Americans, but to them, it's wrong not to retaliate. So, it's wrong not to kill someone? And what about things? If you can't kill a human, should you kill anything? Should we all be vegetarians? It should be straight up. Killing people is wrong. Well, but maybe it isn't. Depending on who you are. Another example- stealing. Most people would believe stealing is wrong. You're taking from other people, like a parasite. But what if you must? What if you had to to feed your family? If you lived in a poor country, would taking enough bread from someone who had a surpluss, simply to keep your children from starving, if there was no other way, wrong?  And again, what if you live on the streets? What if it's what you've grown up around, your entire life? You believe it's right. So, to you it's right. To me it's wrong? Which one of us is correct??? Well, to be honest, we all are. Right and wrong are concepts the human mind made up to make order and sense out of this world. Most people prefer a black and white, a good and bad, a right and wrong. But there isn't black and white. There's only shade of gray, personal opinions, ideas. Right and wrong is entirely personal, depending on your beliefs. They aren't the same for everyone. What's right for me may not be right for you, and what's right for you may not be right for me. No two people are exactly alike. It's not about right and wrong, truly. It's about right for me, and wrong for me. It's all an idea. Take for example, gay marriage. I would never participate in that lifestyle, because it's wrong for me. But I can graciously accept the fact that it might be right for other people.  It's all personal. One of my favorite quote is by Rumi- "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about."  It's so true. When you let go of all of your preconcieved notions and are open to what the universe wants to tell you, the world does become too full to talk about. You are more aware and happier. Don't base your beliefs on what someone tells you- a predefined set of values. Search for truth, and wherever you find it, take it and apply it to your life. You'll know what's truly right for you and truly wrong for you- because it will bring you lasting joy. Not superficial happiness, but real, true joy down to your core. You're happy, because you're living what you believe. Just be open to everything you hear, and don't judge. Concern yourself with your own pursuit of happiness, not other's. It's not your responsibility to decide their standards for them. It's all preference anyway. You don't get mad at someone if they have a different favorite color. You don't try to make them believe that your favorite color is the best color. You accept that you both have different tastes and let it go. Why is it so easy with colors, and yet more difficult than anything to be open to the  fact that other people have different religious and moral ideas than you? It doesn't make any sense to try to make other people adhere to your values. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. REMEMBER, it may be wrong to you, but to them, it may be the rightest thing in the world. And the glorious thing happes to be that you are both right. 

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