Monday, July 4, 2011

I have at least one person who reads my blogs~~~

which sorta kinda makes my entire life, because this person is fantastic. <3 i've decided a new thing i'm going to do is a 'song of the day', which is whatever song i happen to be obsessed with at the moment. today is sure feels right, by sixx am. because music is something so universal, there's bound to be something worth listening to eventually. (: i'm also going to give you guys a link to my tumblr, because if you get on there more than you get on here, i do feed this to that. however, it's a reblog site, and some of the stuff i reblog has questionable language. parental advisory, possible explicit content.
so, today was the 4th. which means there was the mandatory cookout at my grandmother's house. actually pretty fun... i managed to get some sun in at the pool, even if i did have to listen to my stepdad's questionable medical diagnosis of himself. does anyone know if drinking milk before bed can actually clog your sinuses and make you dizzy in the morning? it just seems implausible to me, but hey. whatever. in other news, i had the sex talk with my mom today. basically consisted of her telling me premarital sex was bad, but if i was having it to please tell her so she can talk me out of it and/or possibly get me birth control, and me repeating that "mom, yeah, i'm still a virgin and it's probably gonna stay that way for a while... no, mom, really, i'm not having sex. no, mom, i'm not, don't worry. mooommmmmm. i get it. but i'm not having sex." it was something along the lines of mortifying. i know she's trying to help, but that doesn't make it any less awkward.  *facepalm*. so anywayy. i'm embarking on an overnight trip to godknowswhere tomorrow with my dad. i'm actually pretty excited. i love roadtrips... listening to music, watching the world pass by. it really just gives me time to think about things. sort out my life, you know? the only downside is the hour or so i'm going to be obligated to listen to middle aged men on talk radio preaching at me about how america's going to hell. i hate politics.all anyone ever does is argue about them. VOTE AND SHUT UPPP. unless you intend to start a revolution, there's nothing else to do. or else get a blog for your moaning, so that when people get sick of you, they can x out of the screen. <3 sorry, patience meter's running low today, my head feels gross. my head hurts, my throat is sore, and i can barely breathe. perhaps when we're done renovating the house and all this dust is gone, i'll be a much nicer person all around. hahaha. well. we'll see. i am trying. :P. since i don't happen to have a lesson of any sorts to discuss today, i'll just pick some poetry for you guys to meditate on. (:
what would it be like
to disappear?
from everything familiar
and experience something
keep moving
until you figure out the mystery
of where you're going
and stay for a while
maybe not
but just long enough to ready yourself
for another journey.

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