Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Today- Mortality, and Living.

To be entirely honest, I didn't even know Jeremy Hawkins. I can't tell you facts about his personality. I can't tell you what he liked or disliked. I can't even tell you what he looked like. And yet, he has impacted me. I'd like to first offer my empathy and sympathy to anyone who knew him, as well as to his family and Mac. To be honest, I almost feel like I'm making a big scene over something I don't deserve to be upset about. And in a strange way, I suppose, I am. Like I said, I didn't know him. But it shook me up, beyond anything. It's highschool. We aren't supposed to know about these things yet-we're supposed to be invincible. To those who aren't aware of the story, Jeremy Hawkins, a student at Union Grove High School, died today. It was nobody's fault, but a tragic accident. I can't even begin to explain my views on this here. It's something inexplicable, to have mortality pushed in front of you to ponder and explain to yourself. It makes you question your firmest beliefs, and spins you around in circles. It was the strangest thing, when Amada came into the room after school and told us he didn't make it. I guess I just thought he would. I didn't even notice I was crying until Erin asked if I needed a hug. I guess what it did more than anything was make me think. It made me think long and hard. It prompted alot of confessions out of me. For example, even jst right now, I feel more inclined to tell people that I love them, more ready to talk to people that I don't really like, more inspired to repair burned bridges and make new ones. I really think that good can come out of this, as terrible as it is. Maybe if people realize how fragile life can be, they can make the most of it instead of wasting it on petty and stupid arguments and grudges. Live for now, and don't hurt people. Think twice before something nasty comes out of your mouth. They're basic life lessons, but sometimes it makes something drastic for them to mean anything. Please, please don't let this happen in vain. Good can come out of any situation, and that is what needs to happen here. If nothing else, say one kind thing, just one, to someone you usually wouldn't. Let them know you appreciate them, or admire them, or respect them. Then, stop from saying one, just one, cruel thing. Think of him when you do it. Think of what you would do if it were your last day. Because life is too precious to waste.

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