Tuesday, August 24, 2010

new blog for kara?

i'll be straight up with you all before i start- i'm not an honest blogger. songs, poems, stories- that i can do. honest opinions and tales? not so much. i'm not much of one for starting drama or controversy, and debates where people try to talk me out of my opinon tend to irritate me. the rules here are: don't read it if you don't like it, don't be immature, and DON'T try to tell me i'm wrong. it's my blog for chrissakes, and my opinions. it's right to me, and if you want to have somewhere where you're always right, go get your own blog. sound fair to everyone? good. so, back to the original point- if i tell a story, 9/10 times i will change names and alter what happened just beyond the point of recognition. don't guess. if you get it wrong, i will laugh and tell you that you are wrong. if you get it right, i will laugh and tell you that you are wrong. sound similar? let's hope so. also, to let everyone know, i'm usually much nicer and less sarcastic when my muse (liam-more about him later) is sitting on my shoulder. basically, my tone's usually much softer when i write. but i supose this is an intro, and intros are meant to catch attention. you'll see later on once i really get into this. but back to the bit about liam. liam (LEE-ahm) is my invisible, elusive little muse who sits on my shoulder and whispers ideas and lyrics to me. some might call him inspiration, but liam was a much more appealing name to me. i picked it for a few reasons. first of all, liam is a shortened form of william. william is a reference to william shakespeare- because of the writing aspect. liam also means, however, 'my people'. and that's who i'm hoping to write for- you. people. everything i write is written for someone else- to enjoy, to feel, to think about. i don't care about influencing you... i just want to connect with you. i guess i sort of hope that on some level, everyone can find something to relate to here in some way or another. writing to me isn't about letting out words, it's about letting out emotions and thoughts. i really appreciate you taking the time to read this, and hope you'll consider checking back from time to time.
kara michelle

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