Tuesday, August 2, 2011

way too many subjects, way too late. sorry kyle, iloveyoubestfriend~~~

sotd: living on a highwire- lemonade mouth. 
because the moral of this movie is that music and art and academics deserve funding just as much as football. which is a theme i completely support. (:
my shift key has had it... at least the one on the left, which is the one i use. the right one's so difficult to get used to, i'm just writing this blog sans capitalization. <3 the occasional symbol's doable, but every few words... nah. alrighty, so, it's been a few days, so there's quite a few things i'd like to discuss. (: therefore, the remainder of this blog will be written in extended list form, starting now:
1. weight watchers and positive mantras- so, i started weight watchers on sunday. which i'm sure i'll be very happy about a few months down the road when i've dropped a clothing size or 2, but right now just reallyyyyyyyyyyyy makes me want a  donut. from dunkin donuts. a pink one. with sprinkles. oh, and some french fries and a dr.pepper. but if i did that, i would not be able to eat for the rest of the week, due to the fact that this combination of food would be roughly 56758765098768057087 points. for those of you who don't know, weight watchers gives you a point value system for food. like, a granola bar is 2 points, a dr.pepper is 11. (at least, a decent sized one). a bean burrito from taco bell is 9. and i have 29 of these points a day to spend on food.
which usually rules out anything that tastes good. barring fruit, i can eat of much of that as i want. which is the only thing that keeps me going.  but i found this mantra-type thing on tumblr the other day, and i keep repeating it to myself in my head: would you rather have pizza or hipbones? cake or a gap between your thighs? sweets or collarbones? soda or a flat stomach?
and i think my personal answer to all of these is obvious. so i bite the bullet and order the water instead of the dr.pepper, or go home and make the gross microwave low fat low carb meal instead of whatever the good stuff is. i mean, in actuality, it is so much better for me, and in the long run, it's gonna be worth it.
2.  arrogant, ignorant, agressive drivers and how they have families that love them, migraines, bad days, and famous american poets as expletives-because i was so completely angry about this situation, and i don't want to use inappropriate language, i'm going to steal from john green and substitute a famous american poet for the not so nice word. <3 (here's the video in which you can find this phenomena: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsVgk9oMyx8) so anyway:
i am beyond edgar allen poe-ing infuriated. i was at the taco bell the other day and, mind you, this day has already been shel silverstein-y from the get go. i was up all night with a migraine, head pounding, vomiting into a nearby trashcan every hour or so, and generally going through what was my own personal ogden nash.  then, i had to sit through a karate class with a bunch of screaming kids (if you don't already know this, migraines are made worse with sound and light). about halfway through, my head can't take it anymore and i go outside. as i sit on the curb massaging my temples,  i see this guy (who's girlfriend likes to be a maya angelou to me because she's... threatened by me, i guess? i don't know) creeping hard. i figure i've already caused enough of an issue to them by the minimal communication i have with this guy(although this is completely illogical, because we literally talk about baseball like once a month or so, but hey, i guess some people aren't secure in their relationships), but i'm still tempted to look up and ask something along the lines of, may i help you?? and finally he goes inside and baby brother justin comes out of karate. i've been put in charge of dinner, so i run through mcdonalds to spend a few of my precious points on a dr.pepper and get a happy meal for justin. he's shouting, still hyper from karate, and i'm trying to quiet him down, and feeling really bad because he keeps asking if it's his fault my head hurts, and etc.etc.. i then go to taco bell for madre, and, upon arrival in THAT drive through, discover my dr.pepper has spilled. which ruins whatever self control i have left at this point. (the lady at the drivethrough looked rather concerned when i started banging my head against the steering wheel). i'm trying to pull out of taco bell and mop up the soda and field justin's questions, when these robert frost-ing guys pull up behind me and start beeping their ralph waldo emerson horn. over my migraine. no, idiotic morons, i will wait until i'm ready to pull out, because there's a truck coming, and no, i don't particularly want to get smashed into. so i finally pull out, and they slide around me. i'm literally screeching at the top of my lungs in frustration by this point. and justin's asking me why i'm screaming, and we pull up to a stoplight, and these carcasses fit for hounds start flipping me off. to which i reply, well f*** you too. and justin was in the back of the car. oh my god. i felt like the worst big sister ever. so i explained that when grownups get very angry, they sometimes say things they really shouldn't say, and i was wrong for doing it, and could he forgive me. thus the new american poet expletives. it's a good thing that chilled me way out though, because these guys proceed to drive 15 miles an hour to eastlake. and everytime there's a turn, they slowed down to 5mph, put on their blinker, and KEPT GOING. i was like, wow, you're cool, pretending to turn. like, if i hadn't slipped up already... it was irritating, but it was also an eye opener. i should have handled it better... they all have someone that loves them too, like a family or friends or girlfriends. or something. (read below article for more on this... it's truly spectacular. even if you don't follow all my links, follow this one.)
3. freshman-except-not orientation and bad attitudes- so i went to orientation for dual enrollment on friday, and i am SO EXCITED. i feel like i'm going to do really well in these classes, and have a good amount of freedom and graduate close to an associates degree... it's just all very fantastic. orientation, however, was somewhat of an ordeal. no, not because the program itself was frustrating, but because my grandfather came with me. the think you have to know about him is that he's like those awful talk radio people that moan about finance and personal responsibility... times 10. so every time the college people say the word self-discipline, he elbows me... in between scowling at me because i'm causing him to miss the people putting mud in his yard. so, not the most fun.bad attitudes can ruin a day. oh yeah, funny story about this: he shows up at my house and asks me "... you're wearing shorts?" well, yeah, it's hot. but i can understand, maybe you think they're too short, i'm sorry. "...and boots?" oh no. of course i'm not wearing boots. what kind of self respecting person would wear boots? the extra material covering my leg must make me look like an... well, i don't know. prostitute? peasant? IDK.  
4. sailboats- i've wanted to tell you guys about this one for a while, but i never really thought about it. so, here it is. (: When I was in Boston, my friend and I chose to spend some time sitting at the harbor. He's very interested in sailing, so he told me things about all of the boats. Right in front of us was a little red sailboat, and it had two eyes painted on it. I asked about it, and he told me that some people believe that painting eyes on their ships is a reflection on how their ship is a living thing. They give it eyes so it can see. I don't know if there's any fact to that at all, but I found it kind of beautiful. (yeah, i typed that a few days ago, which is why it's capitalized. (: )

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