Monday, November 15, 2010

Okay, so

I wanted the book "Buddha in Your Backpack" for a reallyyyyy long time now, and I finally bought it last week.
The verdict is in folks, and it's excellent. <3 So, I decided to share some wisdom from it, that I'm going to try to live by.

If it's not true, not beneficial, and not agreeable, don't say it.
Basically, starting a rumor. "She slept with so and so!". It's not true, it does not result in good, and it's mean.

If it's not true, not beneficial, and agreeable, don't say it.
To a bully: "You're such a nice person- you should continue doing what you do." It's nice, but it's false, and it actually probably not only not results in good, but results in bad.

If it's true, not beneficial, and not agreeable, don't say it.
Okay, let's go back to the line "She slept with so and so!" and pretend that she really did. Okay. you aren't lying, but telling it to random people certainly won't result in good, and it's not very nice.

If it's true, not beneficial, and agreeable, don't say it.
WHY do you want to say something that doesn't result in good anyway??

If it's true, beneficial, and disagreeable, know when to say it.

Obviously, people are going to have to know things that aren't necessarily good. But you have to know when they're ready to hear it- or else they won't hear it at all, just resist it.

If it's true, beneficial, and agreeable, know when to say it.
Okay, this one's pretty easy. Most of the time, you'll know when people need to hear something agreeable. Which happens about 100 times more than them being ready to hear something disagreeable. Is that frustrating? Well, yeah. But you have to learn patience with people, because I'm willing to bet it's the same with you.

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